Beppy Wet vs. Beppy Dry

What are the differences between the Beppy tampons?

There are two types of Beppy Tampons. The Law and DRY version. The similarities of the variants:

* Both tampons have a soft structure and shape to the contours of your body.

* A sponge that you wear for a maximum of 8 hours during your period.

* The tampons are used for the same occasions, such as sports, sauna, sex and more….

The differences between the variants:

* WET version is provided with a lactase gel (easy insertion).

* WET version has a handy removal loop (easy to remove).

* DRY version has an anatomical shape.

* DRY version is meant for the experienced user.

What is the difference with regular tampons and sanitary napkins?

The Beppy does not have a string and is therefore not an ordinary tampon, such as an ob tampon. Beppy tampons without a string give you freedom when you have your period, also during swimming, sports, sex and sauna. The best alternative to sanitary towels or regular tampons. Here are the pros and cons in a row:



Beppy tampon Regular tampon Sanitary pads
Swimming Yes Yes No
Sports Yes Not Comfortable Not Comfortable
Sauna Yes Not Comfortable No
Sex Yes No No
Holidays Yes Yes Not Comfortable
Party Yes Yes Not Comfortable
Comfort Yes Not Comfortable Not Comfortable
Sleeping Yes (max. 8 hours) No Not Comfortable
Anti-allergenic Yes No No
1 size fits all Yes No No

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Ken jij Beppy al?

Beppy is een soepele tampon, die zich compleet naar jouw lichaam vormt. Past dus altijd, is ademend en bevat géén giftige (chloride) stoffen. Beppy zonder touwtje zie je en voel je niet.

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