Sex when you have your period

Sex and Menstruation

Many women have more desire for sex when they have their period and often enjoy it more. Do you experience this as well? You might just run into the fact that it is not so clean during these days. In general it is therefore easiest to have sex during the last days of your period, when you bleed less. And to prevent stains, you can use Beppy tampons as a practical alternative. In this post we would also like to give you some advice on how to prevent a mess in bed. If you want to try making love during your period and you’re not sure where to start, we recommend that you read through and see if our advice can help you further.

Talk to your bed partner about it

Some people prefer not to have sex during menstruation because they smell unpleasant or find it unhygienic. Or maybe one person thinks the other doesn’t want it, while both of you want it. So the best thing to do is to discuss the subject with your bed partner. Together we can decide if you want to experience this (new) experience.

Take a refreshing shower in advance

Before you start making love it is advisable to take a nice shower and start the experience clean and fresh. You can also take a shower together to get in the mood. – Put towels ready. It can happen that you lose some menstrual blood during sex and the sheets of the bed get dirty. To prevent this, you can put dark towels on your bed to keep the sheets clean.

Try it in the shower

Do you think it’s too much hassle to get towels ready or do you find it uncomfortable to have sex on top of a rough towel? Try doing it under the water. So you don’t have to worry about stains and you can fully enjoy the moment.

Choose the missionary position

The lying position reduces bleeding, so you can use this position very well if you want to have sex during menstruation. During these days you may feel uncomfortable with the penetration as the uterus is more sensitive. If you notice this, of course report it to your bed partner and look for ways in which you can both feel comfortable and enjoy yourselves.

Remember to use contraceptives

It may not be very common, but you can also get pregnant during your period. After all, you never know when an egg will be released from your fallopian tube. So don’t forget to use contraceptives. These also help to prevent infections. Since the uterus was dilated during menstruation, it is easier for bacteria to get from the vagina to the uterus.

Take a closing shower

After making love you can take a shower again to freshen up. If you take a shower together with your bed partner, you will have a nice ending of this new experience, which hopefully went well and was not a one-off.

Alternative methods to prevent stains if you want to have sex during menstruation

Do you feel that the use of towels and the many preparations decrease your appetite for sex? Then you may very well use an alternative that helps prevent stains in bed if you have sex during menstruation. Have you tried the Beppy tampon before? This is a tampon without a string, so neither you nor your bed partner will notice that you are wearing it. The Beppy tampon takes up the blood so that you don’t have to worry about it and you can enjoy being together. Order Beppy and try for yourself how carefree you can make love during your period with Beppy tampons!

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Ken jij Beppy al?

Beppy is een soepele tampon, die zich compleet naar jouw lichaam vormt. Past dus altijd, is ademend en bevat géén giftige (chloride) stoffen. Beppy zonder touwtje zie je en voel je niet.

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